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Lorne Cook from Associated Press brings March 22 victims stories

By March 22, 2017February 1st, 2021News

Associated Press’ journalist Lorne Cook, with support of Victims Support Europe, wrote several articles in order to take closer look on some of the stories of March 22 victims.

Wounded basketball player: Belgium must help attack victims

First story is about Sebastien Bellin, former basketball player who was badly wounded in the suicide bomb attack on Brussels airport, and his efforts to urge the Belgian government to live up to its pledge to help attack victims.
“I’ve had enough of talking. Now is the time to be really concrete,” Sebastian said in a stadium in Aalst, near Brussels, where he once graced the court. “A year’s a long time to be on pause.”

Exhibit pays tribute to husband killed in Brussels attack

Lorne’s second story is about Kristin Verellen who lost her husband, Johan Van Steen during the attack in Maelbeek subway station.
This inspiring article brings us a story about Kristin’s tribute to her husband in form of an exhibition of photographs made by him. The exhibition is named “Light and Shadow” and it is Kristin’s attempt to realize her husbands dream and make his way of seeing things also visible for others. “In a way, to finish better what has remained unfinished” Kristin said.

Heartbreak and paperwork weigh on Brussels attack victims

The attacks killed 32 people and wounded more than 300; a year on, some 900 people now count themselves as victims and are seeking compensation. They include family members of those killed and wounded and people traumatized by the events of that day.
Last article brings us an in depth overview of the fight of those affected have found themselves in, in order to be recognized as victims, battling for compensation, and dealing with insurance bureaucracy.

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